Friday, March 27, 2015

Gone Are The Days!!

"Hey Buddy.. Wish You a happy birthday man...", there is a chorus erupting. The boy beems with smile and with a tinch of shyness says "Thank You." It was not about the singing, of the birthday song, but people getting reminded of the small kids birthday and decides to surprise him. Actions matter than planning it out.

Gone are those days.

When young, parents used to wish the kids and thats the maximum the child will look up to. Days come in and gradually friends come in the same scene. They throng the very same place and filled by our parents take us out forcibly and give us a bang at the back.

Gone are those days.

Comes the teens age where the wide telephone network will be switched on and the whole friends list would be waiting to call the bday guy and wish him a happy one. College days always a super cool among friends.

Gone are those days.

Enters the work life.  People have their priorities and friends who had bunking as the main responsibility seems to have lost direction in life and goes to attend work on time leaving a note or a message as a rarity. Queried over, " Hey bro how re u?.. Long time..."

Gone are those days.

Having a group of friends and enjoying cracking jokes and shouting becomes a distant cry. Boys turn men and they feel left out from the entire gang. The friendship so called splits. It becomes a once in a while catch up. But WORK catches up with them everyday. 

Gone are those days.

ALAS above all right at the mid twenties where your friends have forgotten, you appear as a distinct object to everyone, a surprise comes.

GOOGLE reminders wishes you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.