Wednesday, November 28, 2012

You Never Know

Elder citizens go bizarre, students favour mayhem , children anticipate an outbreak, if any abnormal news reach them.All the reactions are summed up as, the world is dumbfounded, what is happening here etc, etc. Query them as to what the news is "You Never Know", that's News for you.

Children,your performance not up to the mark, dear employer your performance not up to the mark, National problems- government's performance not up to the mark, but Corruption - Politicians performance way above the mark, Querying as to what the "Mark" level is, "You Never Know", it is not up to the "Mark".

Life is a mystery, Solve it. Future is in your hands, Lead it. Failure on your path, Face it. Success on your path, Treasure it. Above all Love all, that is life. So is the mystery solved? "You Never Know" That's Mystery, Solve it.

'Mother is the first God',
 Child 'Ok'. 

3 years later, 
'Father is God', 
Child ' oh! OK',

 2 years later,
 'Teacher is God',
 Child, 'Oh!!',
10 years later, 
'God is in temple', Child "!!!!". 

 Child"Who is God?" 
"You Never Know", it's God.

 Will this ever End? Will this stop? Can there be something much more sensible than the above.
 "You Never Know". Its Just.....

                                                 THE MAD GUY'S TENURE


  1. We all can so relate to Who is God part you mentioned, and the way you describe Mark in Corruption - Politicians performance way above the mark is really good

  2. thnks mate the thing i like in ur comments is ... its precise.... ;)
